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AM622 PIR Sensor

A new kind of digital motion detector. It is a complete motion detector solution, with a built-in amplifier circuit in the sensor body. To implement the motion sensor, a power supply unit and a relay switching circuit are required. All lighting control and timer functions are already built into the circuit. There is a possibility of adjusting the sensitivity and level of ambient light (external photoresistor) and forming the duration of the control pulse.
AM622 PIR Sensor
NOT available.
Expected price: 185,30 UAH
from 1 pc : 185,30 UAH
from 5 pcs : 176,00 UAH ( -5,0%)
from 50 pcs : 166,80 UAH ( -10,0%)
Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt

Current balances:

NOT available

С AM622 PIR Sensor часто покупают: