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Whole catalog Materials for production and repairSpecial tapes
Код товара:

Tape fabric conductive for shielding

Tape fabric conductive with a conductive adhesive layer. Width - 60 mm. The minimum vacation rate is 1 meter.
 Tape fabric conductive for shielding

Deliveries terminated.

from 1 m : 36,94 UAH
from 5 m : 32,32 UAH ( -12,5%)
from 10 m : 27,71 UAH ( -25,0%)

Изображение товара

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Conductive material with excellent flexibility and superior winding performance, the nickel-plated copper plated conductive surface provides excellent EMI and ESD insulation. The adhesive base is also a conductor, which provides reliable electrical contact with the protected surface. Conductive tapes are widely used by manufacturers in the manufacture of laptops and mobile phones. Manufacturers demand from service centers during repairs, in case of dismantling the conductive tape, not to glue it again, but to use a new one, because the removed tape loses its conductive properties.

  • Main material: polyester fibers
  • Plating: gold-silver-nickel-copper
  • Adhesive base: acrylic adhesive with additives.
  • Total thickness: 0.22mm
  • Belt thickness: 0.1mm
  • Adhesion of the adhesive base: 1060 g/25mm
  • Impedance: 0.05 Ohm
  • Belt width: 60 mm

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  • Guitarman 14:41 22.12.2018 shopping_cartalready bought share

    Отличное решение для экранирования электрогитар)

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  • Роман 06:31 21.06.2017 share

    а длина??

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    • 1 (Менеджер интернет-магазина) 13:54 21.06.2017 share

      Так как цена указана за один метр, то естественно продаём отрезками длиной 1 метр. Если нужна лента более 1 метра одним рулоном (шаг нарезки 1 м), то нарежем нужную длину.

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