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Reagent kit TPH01103 for pH meter calibration

PH meter calibration powder
Reagent kit TPH01103 for pH meter calibration

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from 1 pc : 37,80 UAH
from 5 pcs : 33,60 UAH ( -11,1%)
from 10 pcs : 29,40 UAH ( -22,2%)

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To calibrate the TPH-01605, use a buffer solution fixed channel. A pH meter calibration fixer is a dry mix bag containing a substance with a known pH level.

For the preparation of a calibration (buffer) solution, a vessel is taken with a Risk on a narrow neck. Riska means a volume of exactly 250 ml. The fixanal is poured into the vessel and distilled or deionized water with a temperature of 25 C is carefully poured through a funnel and stirred. The calibration solution is ready.

The pH value for the calibration solution is temperature dependent. To accurately calibrate electrodes using buffer solutions, it is necessary to measure the temperature at which the solution is used. The instrument must then be calibrated to the appropriate pH value. On the back of the package with a fixed channel, there is a table of pH values ​​depending on temperature.

IMPORTANT !: Buffers are air-degraded and should be stored in sealed containers. Used solutions must be disposed of and not returned to storage containers as this may lead to contamination. For best results, use fresh buffer for calibration.

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