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Whole catalog Electromechanical and Housing ProductsFastenersVELCRO tapes
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Double-sided Velcro tape Velcro [10mm x1m] YELLOW -SALE! -

Velcro-burdock BILATERAL. Width 10 mm, length 1 meter. YELLOW. For bundling cables, securing luggage, etc.
 Double-sided Velcro tape  Velcro [10mm x1m] YELLOW -SALE! -
NOT available.
Expected price: 14,61 UAH
from 1 m : 14,61 UAH
from 5 m : 14,33 UAH ( -1,9%)
from 25 m : 13,89 UAH ( -4,9%)
Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt

Current balances:

NOT available

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The price is for 1 meter of length!

Reversible Velcro. Roll on tape.
There are “hooks” on one side of the tape and “felt” on the other.
Glued from one-sided tapes. To avoid delamination, not recommended for heavy loads, outdoor use. Under the influence of sunlight, in heat, the glue can soften and the tape will delaminate. The alternative is a more durable polymer-based tape.
Belt width 10 mm, released in multiples of 1 meter.
Recommended for tying bundles of wires, fixing wires to various structural elements, quickly securing luggage to vehicles, etc.

Reference information:
Velcro - Velcro tape (Velcro). On one side of the tape there are micro hooks, on the other there is a fleecy fabric such as felt. When two surfaces touch, the microhooks catch on the felt, and one surface "sticks" to the other. In fact, this is an artificial analogue of a natural mechanism. The burdock plant spreads its seeds in this way. Burdock fruits, containing seeds, are covered with miniature hooks, with which they catch on the fur of animals and in this way are carried.
Such reusable Velcro - VELCRO burdock is used for different purposes - as a fastener for clothes and shoes, for fastening various items, accessories, etc. In this case, the two sides of the hook-felt pair are attached (sewn or glued) to the adjacent surfaces of the items to be fastened.
Burdock Velcro can withstand sharp temperature fluctuations, alternating loads, vibration well. These properties allow Velcro Velcro to be used on vehicles for fixing various devices and gadgets - mobile phones, tablets, hands-free headsets, navigators, radar detectors, etc.
Double-sided tape (hooks on one side, felt on the other) can be fixed on itself - i.e. used as a tie for a bundle of wires, for fixing various loads on the trunks of bicycles, cars. And even for such a mundane task - cyclists tighten the bottom of the leg to prevent it from being pulled into a chain drive ... ;-)

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