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Meter C and ESR CapEsr v1.3 in-circuit

This device allows you to check the condition of electrolytic capacitors without evaporating them from the board, significantly saving time when repairing electronic equipment.
Meter C and ESR CapEsr v1.3 in-circuit

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The measuring part of the device repeats the ESRmicro 4.0 circuitry. In this model, a microcontroller from Microchip PIC16F690 is used, a display from a NOKIA 1112 mobile phone is used as an indicator. The scale of the device is divided into three ranges with automatic selection of the measurement limit. Measurement currents for the ranges 0.3mA, 3mA, 30mA.

Measuring C and ESR

1.Capacity of capacitors 0.03-60000μF
2.Esr resistance 0.02-100om
3.Graphic display 96x68 Nokia 1112
4.Small dimensions 65x45x25mm (case Z24)
5. The voltage across the investigated capacitance is 0.2 volts
6.Large characters 24pixel
7.Indication of battery voltage
8.Power supply 2xCR2032
9.Automatic (50sec) and manual shutdown
10.Forced calibration (0, 1, 10, 100om)

Quick measurement of capacitance and ESR of capacitors. The measurement time is only 0.5 sec, and does not depend on the value of the capacitance. To carry out measurements, it is necessary to de-energize and discharge the capacitors on the board under test.

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