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Oxides cleaner TUNER 600 200ml [for HF units]

A preparation for cleaning printed circuit boards and other assemblies in high-frequency channels of transmitting and receiving equipment.
Oxides cleaner TUNER 600 200ml [for HF units]
Manufacturer: Kontakt Chemie (KontChem)
NOT available.
Expected price: 261,60 UAH
from 1 pc : 261,60 UAH
from 3 pcs : 253,80 UAH ( -3,0%)
from 6 pcs : 248,60 UAH ( -5,0%)
Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt

Current balances:

NOT available

Изображение товара

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Flash point: <0°C
Density at 20°C:0.70 g/cm3
Evaporation rate:1.1 (for ether = 1)

TUNER 600 is a solvent mixture that leaves no residue after evaporation. Recommended primarily for cleaning assemblies and components in high frequency circuits. The product is highly penetrating, it allows you to clean entire assemblies of complex structures with sensitive plastic parts.

Highly pure solvent chemically adaptable to neighboring materials. The specially selected and balanced composition allows you to easily remove most of the contaminants, such as fats, nicotine deposits, dust, etc., without leaving even the slightest dirt particles.

Disconnect the device from the power supply. Attach the attached tube to the spray head. Spray the surfaces to be cleaned. Repeat in case of stubborn dirt. It is used wherever sensitive plastics are used - high frequency technology, sensing switches, relays, sensors, variable disk capacitors and inductors.

Packaging:Aerosol can 200 ml.

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