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Whole catalog Development toolsModulesPower Converter Modules
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Electrical module Power regulator triac 2000 W V2

Triac regulator module with a remote regulator for a soldering iron and other active loads up to 2000W, 220V.
Electrical module Power regulator triac 2000 W V2
In stock
77,39 UAH × = 77,39 UAH
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from 50 pcs : 61,91 UAH ( -20,0%)

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195 pcs
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195 pcs

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Симисторный регулятор мощности 2000 Вт

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The power regulator is designed to connect an active load (electric heating, lighting devices, soldering irons, incandescent lamps) to an alternating current 220V. It is also suitable for regulating some AC induction motors, fans, grinders, electric drills, etc.
Not intended for reactive load regulation: energy saving lamps, consumer electronics, LED lamps and flashlights, transformers, etc.
Voltage regulation is carried out from about 50 V. The power regulator is built on the BTA16-800B triac, which is designed for maximum current and voltage values ​​of 16A and 800V, respectively. For convenience, the regulator is connected on wires with a connector. The length of the wires is about 18 cm.
When using this dimmer above 1200 W, it is recommended to provide additional ventilation for the radiator.
Connection according to the markings on the board.

Main characteristics:

  • Working voltage: 220V AC
  • Control range: 100% to 15%
  • Maximum load power (active): 2000 W
  • Applicable triac: BTA16-800B (or equivalent)
  • Efficiency:> 90%
  • Dimensions: 47 x 35 x 27mm
  • Weight: 40g

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  • Саша 14:35 09.12.2021 share

    для коллекторного э/дв. от стиралки Бош , мощностью 800Вт подойдет? спасибо.

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    • sensrv (Менеджер интернет-магазина) 12:04 10.12.2021 share

      Скорее всего подойдет. Обычно в стиральных машинах можно встретить  менее мощный симистор. Здесь же возможно понадобится увеличить радиатор.

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