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Whole catalog Development toolsModulesWireless chargers
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Qi module BTJ-100 wireless charger

Qi wireless charging module for smartphones, tablets, smart watches.
Charging current up to 800mA
Qi module  BTJ-100 wireless charger

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Qi standard wireless charging module for most modern mobile phones, tablets, smart watches. Suitable for self-installation in various cases, pads, table niches. The module is powered by 5V via the microUsb socket, which allows it to be powered from any cable or charging with a microUSB plug. Effective distance - no more than 4cm from the emitting coil. The longer the distance, the greater the losses and the lower the charging current.
Qi is the unified international standard for wireless charging of mobile devices. It was developed by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), which includes all the giants of "smart building" - Apple, Samsung, LG, Sony, HTC, Asus, Nokia, Microsoft, Blackberry, Motorola, Panasonic, as well as IKEA, Duracell, Energizer and over a hundred others. This means that wireless charging from any manufacturer will work with any modern phone.
Qi allows the charger to recognize various devices, determine their charge level, optimally charge the batteries and turn off in time to save energy. In terms of value for consumers, the adoption of Qi is comparable to the standardization of the micro-usb connector, thanks to which we no longer wander in search of a charger with the right connector.

Key Features:

  • Charger type: induction
  • Supply voltage: 5V (microUSB socket)
  • Consumption current: up to 1A
  • Charge current: up to 0.8A
  • Dimensions: emitter - ∅50mm, board - 35 x 32 x 2 mm

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  • Ледокол 13:15 09.10.2017 share

    Подскажите есть ли какая-нибудь инструкция по сборке устройства? Есть ли в комплекте двухцетный светодиод?

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    • Денис (Менеджер интернет-магазина) 09:35 10.10.2017 share

        Сборки данный модуль не требует. Просто подключить блок питания на 5 В к разъему microUSB на плате модуля.
        Двухцветный светодиод не идет в комплекте. На плате по сторонам от разъема уже находятся два светодиода. Разъем P1 является дублирующим для светодиодов, и туда , при желании, можно припаять любой двухцветный светодиод с общим катодом или просто два светодиода. 

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Этот товар упоминается в статье Беспроводное зарядное устройство стандарта Qi

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