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Whole catalog Home and office suppliesSmart HouseThermostats
Product code:

Thermostat CH-C3000 (Temperature indicator)

The ch-c3000 thermostat is designed to control temperature control systems in the range from - (minus) 55 to+125 C. The regulator can be used both in heating systems and in cooling systems with compressor control.
Thermostat CH-C3000 (Temperature indicator)
NOT available.
Expected price: 160,00 UAH
from 1 pc : 160,00 UAH
from 3 pcs : 153,60 UAH ( -4,0%)
Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt

Current balances:

NOT available

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The ch-c3000 thermostat is designed to control temperature control systems in the range from - (minus) 55 to+125 C. The regulator can be used both in heating systems and in cooling systems with compressor control.
Supply voltage ~ 9-12 (24) volts AC or DC.
The regulator is equipped with an automatic data storage system, which relieves the user of worrying about storing settings in memory.
The regulator has a built-in intelligent system for emergency control of data in permanent memory, as well as a system for monitoring data in RAM. During operation, the regulator checks the data for compliance with the parameters of the technical documentation and in the event of a situation in which any parameter falls into an unacceptable area, it stops the system and reloads the data. This function allows you to prevent damage and prevent the equipment from operating in emergency mode.
The environment monitoring function allows you to monitor the health of the heating or cooling system by dynamic parameters. Control by the time the equipment reaches the mode and the deviation of the parameter of the controlled environment above the permissible limits.
Monitoring of damage or disconnection of the sensor.
The regulator has a built-in function for emergency restart of settings or emergency entry into the setup menu.
Registers for indicating the maximum and minimum temperature recorded by the regulator during operation.
The regulator uses a DS18B20 digital temperature sensor with a distance of up to 300 m.

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